
I’m Danny.

I’m a storyteller. I’m a dad. I’m a hiker. I’m a food label reader. I’m a speciality beverage nut. I’m a beer geek. I’m a shower singer. I’m a pen clicker. I’m a cartoon watcher. I’m a real goof nugget.

And I’m real excited to do some good work together.


Food & Beverage Services

  • Product Descriptions

  • Package Concepting & Copy

  • Brand/Product Positioning & Strategy

  • Market & Competitor Research

Other Brand Services

  • Sales & Marketing Materials

  • Web Copy & Rewrites

  • Long- and Short-Form Blogs & Articles

  • Script-Writing

Nonprofit Services

  • Mission Statements

  • Identity Refresh

  • Social Media Strategy

  • Web Copy & Rewrites


Ready to Take the Plunge?

Fill me in on what kind of help you’re looking for!

Much love to all the spam-bots who have dedicated their time to showering me with attention,

but if you — a human person — would like to get in touch, please find me at:

danny dot carmichael @ gmail Dot com